Confluence 4.X update by AppFusions.
To check known issues (or if you want to file one), view this app's issue tracker.
To learn more about the app, you should:
- Read the documentation.
- Investigate the wiki.
If you are a developer, you can help fix the problem yourself by:
- Downloading the source code.
The Universal Wiki Converter (UWC) is a standalone application which converts pages from other wikis to Confluence. It's also an extensible framework, allowing users with wikis that aren't currently supported to add their own converters.
Why the UWC?
- Because you really like Confluence, but you have this plethora of existing content lying around in another wiki.
Version history
4.0Confluence Server 4.0 - 4.3.72012-10-04Confluence 4.X update by AppFusions. 3.13.0Confluence Server 2.0 - 3.5.172011-04-28New Jive Converter Module, Improved Mediawiki Converter, New Frameworks This version of the UWC includes a new jive converter module, many improvements to the mediawiki converter and exporter, user submitted moinmoin and tikiwiki converter improvements, a host of new frameworks including: support for blogs, support for splitting singles files into multiple pages, spaces (global and personal) can be associated with pages in converters and created automatically, attachments can be associated with a different filename, udmf framework (using udmf 0.2 soon to be released) supports comments and blog posts, and some new default behaviors that will likely be welcome: such as default page location is below the Home page, if no hierarchy is specified.