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Copy Space for Confluence Data Center

for Confluence Server 7.13.0 - 8.1.4, Confluence Data Center 7.13.0 - 8.1.4 and more
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Version 6.0.5Confluence Data Center 7.13.0 - 8.1.4

Released: Feb 22nd 2023


The Copy Space app allows you to copy entire spaces quickly and easily.


Release 6.0.5

The full functionality of the updated Copy Space app is available for Confluence 7.20.0 or newer, as well as in the latest released patches for Confluence 7.13 through 7.19.

If you’re using the app on any older version of Confluence than these ones, you may not be able to copy original authors, dates, and comments on pages and blog posts. To avoid compatibility issues, we recommend that you upgrade to the latest LTS release.


  • You must be a Confluence administrator or space administrator to copy spaces, or have the Create space permission.
  • You can copy pages, blog posts, or a space itself with all its attributes but without any content.
  • You can opt for using original authors and dates of pages copied to the new space. For blog posts, the original authors and dates are preserved in the new space.
  • We’ve fixed the copying of user mentions with the @ character. The mentions will be copied but the users won’t be notified.

Learn more about what you can and can't copy


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