Comala Document Management

for Confluence Cloud, Confluence Server 7.19.27 - 8.5.15, Confluence Data Center 8.5.15 - 9.0.3 and more
6,337 installs

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Version 6.18.7Confluence Server 7.19.27 - 8.5.15

Released: Sep 9th 2024


Our team is thrilled to announce a release of Comala Document Management 6.18.7


EnhancementsCompatibility with cloud migration re-run functionality

The Comala Document Management app is now compatible with the Atlassian Cloud migration re-run functionality.

When the Comala Document Management app migration fails or is incomplete, a new migration does not need to be created. An admin can re-run the migration from the cloud migration assistant.

Bug fixes

The following critical bugs are fixed in this release:

  • the cloud migration data of random pages could be missed and not sent to the cloud side