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Last modified 2021-03-28 715 downloads By RadBee Ltd


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More details

This App integrates between the two following Apps:

1. Read & Understood Training Genius for Confluence

2. SAML Single Sign On SAML SSO For Confluence

Once installed, any user who is connected to Confluence via the SAML SSO connection will use their SAML SSO provider to electronically sign-off on trainings.

The installation is straight forward and involves no configuration. The only prerequisite are that the two Apps ( Training Genius and SAML SSO) will be installed.

Once installed, when a user electronically signs a Training page, they will be presented with the electronic signature form associated with the type of access:

  • Users logged in through the SAML SSL connection will be routed to an sign-off form provided by the respective SAML provider.
  • Users who are natively defined in Confluence will sign through the native Training Genius form.

Version history