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Edit Permission Inheritance

works with Confluence Cloud, Confluence Server 7.0.1 - 8.7.2, Confluence Data Center 8.5.0 - 9.3.2 and more



  • Partner Supported

Key highlights of the appAllow edit permission to inherit to all child pages if needed

Simple user interface

Users with the right to set permissions can turn on an edit permission inheritance on each page. They can also define options for the inheritance if needed.

Cascaded inheritances

Cascaded inheritances allow a maximum level of flexibility. Just define another edit permission inheritance on a lower level in case the branch needs a different set of permissions.

Automatic handling of pages added or moved in

The app handles pages added or moved in automatically. They get the same set of edit permissions as the closest page holding the edit permission inheritance.

More details

Edit Permission Inheritance provides an easy way to inherit edit permissions to all child pages:

  • Turn on edit permission inheritance in the restrictions dialog of the parent page.
  • Define lower level edit permission inheritances on child pages if a branch needs different edit permissions.
  • You still have the freedom to change edit permissions on each page (depending on the mode additional edit permissions might be removed when you re-apply the edit permission inheritance).
  • Select additional options for the inheritance like "prevent users from adding new pages" or "always grant and edit permission to the creator".

Please note that the app does not add an additional permission layer. It basically copies the edit permissions to all child pages and handles pages added or moved in.


Privacy and Security

Privacy and security questionnaire has been filled by the partner

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy

Security program

This app is not part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.

Version information

Version 2.1.0for Confluence Data Center 8.5.0 - 9.3.2

Release date
Sep 11th 2024
Show triggering user in overviews

Up to now the respective overviews showed that "Anonymous" restricted the child pages. This release changes this and ensures that the triggering user is shown.

Payment model
Paid via Atlassian
License type
Explore all Data Center versions