TROCK Timetracking Overview And Logging

for Jira Server 8.11.0 - 9.15.2 and more

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Have an overview of all your logged time, and log work easily

Have an overview of your logged time

Have an overview of your logged time

As a configured manager, see logs of others

As a configured manager, see logs of others

Block logging for previous months or by JQL

Block logging for previous months or by JQL

More details

Jira is great for issue tracking, and logging work is easy. But there is a feature missing: An overview of your logged work.

TROCK adds this overview to Jira including the following features:

  • Have a look what you’re logged for in a week-, month-, or custom time range view
  • Log work directly in this view
  • Quick-filter your logged issues for a project or a saved filter
  • Show issues permanently, regardless if you’ve logged work on them or not

From the company’s point of view, these features could be interesting:

  • Configure to forbid logging work for recent months
  • Block or allow logging work by JQL

And from the managers point of view: Have a look of the logged work of a specific user or several users.

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