eazyBI is a powerful app for Jira and Confluence, available on Server, Data Center, and Cloud. eazyBI provides easy-to-use drag-and-drop creation of custom reports, charts, and dashboard gadgets. Import your data from Jira Software, Jira Service Desk, Confluence, many popular Jira apps, or from other data sources. Visualize and analyze all your data using many report and chart types.
Platinum Marketplace Partner
This partner participates in Atlassian's Marketplace Security Bug Bounty Program, and invests in Cloud and Data Center versions of their most popular server apps.
Apps by eazyBI
eazyBI Reports and Charts for Jira
Leading reports, charts, and dashboards app for Jira. Scalable, Powerful, Enterprise-Ready. Complete Analytics Solution
CLOUD FORTIFIED eazyBI Reports and Charts for Confluence
All-in-one analytics app for Confluence: build custom reports to analyze Confluence stats, external data, and publish using macros