Refined is a site building product integrated with Atlassian Jira and Confluence to make content clear, accessible and actionable. Refined provides the infrastructure to build Atlassian Confluence and Jira content onto your own branded, easy to navigate and customizable site. Core to Refined is a user-friendly system that makes the content and information accessible, engaging and useful to all users.
Platinum Marketplace Partner
This partner participates in Atlassian's Marketplace Security Bug Bounty Program, and invests in Cloud and Data Center versions of their most popular server apps.
Apps by Refined
Refined Toolkit for Confluence DC
Spruce up Confluence pages and spaces with a suite of handy macros
Refined Sites for Confluence (Intranets, Documentation, KBs)
Build custom, themed Confluence intranets, knowledge bases, wikis, documentation sites and more—code free
CLOUD FORTIFIEDRefined Sites for JSM (Theme ITSM, HR, Help & Service Desks)
Build fully customized, themed help desks and service centers with Jira Service Management (JSM) — no coding required
CLOUD FORTIFIEDRefined for Confluence DC (Intranet, Themes & Navigation)
Transform Confluence into custom, themed sites users love — no code required
Refined Toolkit for Confluence (Content Formatting Macros)
Confluence macros, themes, page builder and space overview templates | Expands, tabs, news, steps, panels & more
CLOUD FORTIFIEDRefined for JSM DC (Theme ITSM, HR Helpdesk & Service Desks)
Build fully customized, themed service desks, issue trackers, and support centers from Jira Service Management (JSM) — zero coding