Yiraphic helps teams of all sizes to work smarter and create better software together. As an everyday user of Atlassian products ourselves, we know what it takes to work on software development with different teams and what kind of add-ons make our (and others) work happier and better. Therefore we aim to help others in creating add-ons for Atlassian products and challenge everyday needs for the increasing demand in IT software development. We have many years of experience when it comes to Atla...
Kabelweg 37,
Amsterdam - 1014 BA,
Noord Holland,
+31 20 - 2181 008
Apps by Yiraphic
Global CSS and JS for Jira
Use CSS and Javascript to customize your Jira environment safely and easy. Now includes a new Dark Mode to give Jira a dark theme
Impersonation for Jira
Impersonate different users and switch to see Jira in their perspective
Default Comment Restrictions for Jira
Set default comment restrictions for groups and projects and make comment visibility and security easy