Ovyka has a recognized expertise in IT Strategy and very strong references in innovation, event management solutions, collaborative solutions, and is an Atlassian Solution Partner recognized by many of the biggest companies in Europe.
Gold Solution Partner
Meets our highly trained criteria and is committed to their Atlassian practice and delivering value to our customers.
Apps by Ovyka
Satisfaction survey for Jira by Ovyka
Discover how to optimize your service levels continuously from adapted customer feedback
Advanced Notifications for Jira by Ovyka
Send customized mail announcements to your own recipient lists, directly from any Jira ticket
BI Indexer: ElasticSearch for Jira by Ovyka
Index all Jira data and history of changes for your Business Intelligence, and other advanced reports needs
Security Filter for Jira by Ovyka
Detect and auto remove bank account/card numbers (PAN codes) from your JIRA issues
Group Auto Assigner for Jira by Ovyka
Auto add customer groups, easily allowing your customers to see their colleagues' tickets, based on mail domains
Audit for Crowd by Ovyka
Get a full audit log of all administrator actions in Crowd, on users, groups, applications, directories