ByteSource Technology Consulting GmbH
ByteSource Technology Consulting GmbH is one of the leading experts in the DACH region for AWS, Atlassian, DevOps and Agile software development. As the largest Atlassian Platinum Partner and the largest AWS Advanced Consulting Partner in Austria, we prove our expertise in the area of DevOps & Cloud Journeys as well as migration and advise, accompany and implement customer-specific developments. Whether startup, SME or enterprise - ByteSource analyses your current situation, designs and implemen...
Platinum Solution Partner
Meets our highest training criteria and has a proven practice that can scale from small to large customers.
Apps by ByteSource Technology Consulting GmbH
Agile Blueprint
Optimize your agile workflow
Live SQL Custom Fields
Improve and automate Jira by working with dynamic custom field data from your own datasources
Page Version Linker Plugin
We make managing page version links easier
Okta Sync for insight integration
Make your life easier. Manage, integrate and synchronise your workflow
Chef cookbook tests
This Addon provides tasks to test Chef cookbooks. It includes Rubocop, Kitchen, Rspec and Foodcritic