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Label Manager for Jira

works with Jira Cloud, Jira Server 8.20.2 - 9.12.15, Jira Data Center 10.0.0 - 10.4.1 and more



  • Partner Supported

Key highlights of the appPredefine available label items in your own custom field. Use them as smart checklist. Allow Project Admins to define their labels

watch Label Manager for Jira video

Manage Jira native Labels global or project intern

Edit, Merge and Delete Labels globally or only within specific projects.

Search for specific label and check how many issues they are assigned to global or project specific

Use Label Manager's own label custom field type

Allows to lock down available labels globally or project specific.

Predefine label colors or allow issue specific label color in traffic light pattern to signal progress.

Manage Labels - Edit, Merge and Delete

Project specific label management

Empower project administrators to predefine and manage selectable custom field options themselves.

Use project specific label color schemes.

Check how often labels are used inside the project.

Supporting media

More details

Label Manager helps you to organize label fields and simplify progress-tracking within your issues.

There is no need anymore to create Sub-Tasks for simple checklists in Jira. It is a perfect fit for the Definition of Done, Acceptance Criteria or any ToDo list!

Stop flooding your label fields with redundant or wrong items. Keep control on your label fields. Only Admins or Project Admins can add items to the field. User can select those items from the list.

Some more details of the functionality Label Manager provides:

  • Manage Jira native 'Labels' field
  • Lock Down Label-Fields - solving JRA-26128
  • Allows Project Admins to manage their own set of labels per project
  • Allows (Project) Admins to disable labels - they remain visible but cannot be selected
  • Enable coloring for Label Manager fields to display progress
  • Search for items and item-colors in Jira, suggestions for advanced and basic search included.
  • Use Label Manager with global settings or for each project individual - solves JRA-23656


Privacy and Security

Privacy and security questionnaire has been filled by the partner

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy

Security program

This app is not part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.

Integration permissions

Label Manager for Jira integrates with your Atlassian product

Version information

Version 5.7.0for Jira Cloud

Release date
Mar 9th 2025
Minor version update
Minor version update
Payment model
Paid via Atlassian
License type