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Last modified 2022-12-13 19021 downloads By Appfire


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Advanced flash support

Providing more options for managing and viewing Flash content.

Flash from attachments, file system, or URL

Large flash attachments can clog up your Confluence installation and increase backup and recovery times. Storying them on the file system can improve operations. Alternatively, access Flash via URL on other sites.

Advanced Flash parameters

Use wiki markup to access advanced Flash parameters.

*This product was formerly a Bob Swift app.

More details

Display your Flash content within Confluence pages. This macro has some additional features over the native Confluence flash support. (See our product documentation for more details.)

Flash content can be a Confluence attachment, file from Confluence's home directory, or a URL. Advanced flash parameters can be provided.


  • Flash object can be an attachment, file on the file system, or accessed via url
  • Advanced flash parameters can be specified

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