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Last modified 2021-10-28 1083 downloads By VECTORS


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Rich Content Organization

Many macros offering different ways to highlight your content : notifications, infobulle, footnotes, customizable panels and decorated buttons.

Advanced Navigation tools

Colorful navigation tabs with icons and anchors. Colored Expander boxes menus to include content from your wiki pages.

Progress bars

Define your process steps with customizable progress bars including links to wiki content or external content, steps colors, and percentage bar.

More details

Spectrum Formatting advanced : Enables you to format your Confluence content, and make it more attractive. Smart look and feel, navigation and organization tools for your Confluence content including many macros : Tabs, custom progress bar, tooltips, notes, panels, buttons. All of them using your own colors and design.

Key use cases

  • Content organization
  • Content Formatting

Key features

  • Create Tabs (horizontal, vertical) with colors and icons
  • Follow up with content progress bar
  • Follow up with percentage bar
  • Add panels and buttons with custom colors and icons
  • Enrich documentation with footnotes and infobulles
  • Add notification alerts with time duration and specific theme

Version history