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Last modified 2020-07-04 200 downloads By


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To learn more about the app, you should:

This is a supported app, so you may contact the vendor (or support contact) for help:


Pin issues in 1 click

Just click the "Pin issue" button to pin an issue.

Retrieve pinned issue from the top Jira main menu

To retrieve a pinned issue, just click on the "My pinned issue" top main menu.

Remove 1 or all pinned issues in 1 click

To remove a pinned issue, just click the "Unpin issue" button. To remove all pinned issue in once, click the "Remove all pinned issuse" button from the main menu.

More details

The Jira Pin-it! plugin lets you pin issues on the top Jira menu such that you can then access the issue by a simple click anytime you want.

Please note that this plugin is optimized for Chrome and Firefox. The plugin works in other browsers but we are not supporting them.

Version history