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Last modified 2023-12-19 4490 downloads By TNG Technology Consulting GmbH


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Include content from other pages

You can choose the pages to include by specifying the page label.

Specify the order of the included pages

You can specify if included pages are displayed sorted by title, by creation date or by last modification date. Even reverse sorting is possible!

Attachments supported, even from other spaces

References to resources are rendered correctly, even if the content lies in another space.

More details

📢 We are preparing Data Center compatibility. Have a look at our Roadmap for more information.

This add-on includes the content of complete other pages which are annotated by a selectable label inside any page.

This macro can be used to display the content of different sites that are labeled with a certain label, e.g. "testlabel_1". There can be used more than one label per macro-usage. In this case a simple comma as delimiter invokes an "or" concatenation of the given labels. If you want to display only the content of pages that are labeled with more than one label, set the optional parameter "operator" to "and".


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