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Last modified 2017-04-20 60 downloads By Digital Toucan


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Finding attachments by content with highlights

Searching for an attachment by its content was never easier. Just type issue in attachment(content). Jira will display issues with highlighted attachments matching your query.

Word, PDF, OpenOffice, PowerPoint and more!

We support word, powerpoint, pdf, open office and more. Please let us know if you would like more file types supported.

Easily find by extension and name

attachmentExtension() and attachmentName() JQL functions can be used to find supported attachments. New files are searchable just few seconds after the file was added to an issue

More details

QueryF offers solution for finding and organising your attachments using new JQL functions:

  • attachment - allows searching for issues by the attachment content. For example, issue in attachment("tech specification")
  • attachmentExtension - allows searching for issues by attachment's extension. For example, issue in attachmentExtension("pdf")
  • attachmentName - allows searching for issues by attachment's name. For example, issue in attachmentName("specificatoon.pdf")

Attachments which match the JQL query are highlighted.

Version history