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Last modified 2015-05-26 247 downloads By Pigsty


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top JQL function

Limit number of issues returned by query to TOP x items or by percentage

hasLinksFromQuery JQL function

Rreturns issues from given query that have links of given type and direction

It's free

It's free :)

More details


Top was developed to limit the number of search results.

top(query, limit)

  • query - JQL query string
  • limit - integer (max limit) or decimal (percentage limit)

JQL Example - returns first 20 issues matching query:

issue in top("project = PROJ AND type = Bug ORDER BY key DESC",20)

JQL Example - returns first 10% of issues matching query:

issue in top("project = PROJ AND type = Bug ORDER BY key DESC",0.1)



Has links from query returns issues from given query that have links of given type and direction.

hasLinksFromQuery(query, linkTypeName, direction)

  • query - JQL query string
  • linkTypeName - case-sensitive name of link type (e.g. "Blocks")
  • direction - link direction. Allowed values:
    • inward
    • outward
    • both

JQL Example - returns issues that are blocking any other issue:

issue in hasLinksFromQuery("project = PROJ",Blocks,outward)

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