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Tosca for Bamboo

works with Bamboo Server 5.6.0 - 7.2.10


We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can stay connected by exploring the migration options to either the cloud or Data Center version of this app.

Key highlights of the appIntegrate Tosca with Bamboo and Jira

watch Tosca for Bamboo video

Integrate Tosca Execution with Bamboo

Integrate Tosca with Bamboo by adding Tosca task in Bamboo to run Tosca projects from Bamboo

Integrate Tosca Results with Bamboo

Parses Tosca results in Bamboo.

Integrate Results with Jira Issues

Integrate Tosca Test Results with Jira Issues

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More details

Execute Tosca tests stored in any source repository from Bamboo Server.

Parse results in Bamboo.

Integrate results with Jira issues.

Creates Jira bug for failed tests automatically.

Creates test result links to Jira issues automatically.

Adds run comments to Jira issues automatically.

Adds test duration to custom fields of Jira Issue automatically.

Adds labels (passed / failed) to Jira issues automatically.

Gets rid of necessity of creating framework to integrate tests with Jira. and saves significant costs to create and maintain frameworks.

Marks build fail or pass based on settings if tests are failed.

Extracts Jira ids from Tosca test names

Adds tab in Bamboo build summary page to show Tosca reports.

Fails build if percentage of tests are failed as configured.

Fails build if zero tests are found.


Privacy and Security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy

Security program

This app is not part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.

Version information

We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can still explore the earlier versions but these may not offer the necessary support.

Explore all server versions