Csv To Table for Confluence

by Grovr
for Confluence Cloud, Confluence Server 6.0.1 - 8.6.2 and more
70 installs

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Easily turn CSV data and files into sortable Confluence tables

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Super easy to create tables from CSVs

Simple write your CSV data into the box, copy and paste from a CSV file or select an attached CSV file.

Easy to get the first row to act as a header

Just tick the box when you setup the plugin and the first row will act as a header

Can use attachements and remote urls

Data, like, "this, does" not confuse the plugin

More details

CSV to Table for Confluence makes it extremely easy to convert CSV data into Confluence tables, which can be sorted and exported to PDF and everything else you can do to a Confluence table. Also allows marking the first line of the table as a header row. Supports CSV files with commas inside quotation marks.

Allows you to choose a customer separator.

Allows you to convert attached CSVs to tables.

Allows you to convert CSV from remote URLs.

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