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Last modified 2020-05-15 385 downloads By froglogic GmbH


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Generate coverage report

Call cmreport to generate HTML Report. We need to provide CSMes file name (either absolute or relative path). CSMes file shall contain previously imported execution report (i.e. by using first action offered by plugin).

Import an execution report

Call cmcsexeimport to import execution report (CSExe file) into an instrumentation data base (CSMes file).

Merge instrumentation databases

Call cmmerge to merge several instrumentation databases (CSMes files) together. We need to provide CSMes output file full or relative path name that will be generate as a result of merge.

More details

The Squish Coco plugin provides seamless Squish Coco integration with Bamboo. Users can add one or more Squish Coco tasks to a Bamboo Job. Each Squish Coco Task can perform the following actions:

1. Import an execution report into an instrumentation data base

2. Merge several instrumentation databases together

3. Generate code coverage report

Version history