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Last modified 2019-07-25 1379 downloads By Deviniti


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Requirements tree structure in Jira

Create new requirements and put them into the tree structure. Drag and drop requirements within the tree - the numeration will change automatically. Import issues into the project, or export as PDF, XML or CSV.

Requirements traceability matrix in Jira

Correlate any baseline requirement types using many-to-many relationship comparison. Link requirements with development tasks or test cases. Prevent possible bugs on the "left side" of the process.

Use case as a requirement

Create use cases for your requirements. Provide step-by-step scenarios, triggers and conditions. Generate mockups for the screens automatically.

More details

ReqFLO is a tool built on top of Jira to support documenting, analyzing, tracing, prioritizing, and accepting requirements. It uses Atlaskit components to provide users with a modern-looking interface and seamless integration with Jira.

Learn the benefits and 6 best practices for requirements management from our article.

The key features include:

  • Tree structure for the requirements
  • Auto numeration of requirements in the tree
  • Drag & drop requirements within the tree
  • Custom workflow for requirements evaluation
  • End-to-end traceability matrix
  • Use Case requirement type with automatic mockup generation
  • Import issues to the requirements tree
  • Export requirements as PDF, XML or CSV

Also, try RTM to make your ALM cycle even more effective.

Reach out via LiveChat on our Support webpage in case of any questions, or book a demo via Calendly.

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