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Last modified 2022-02-04 2026 downloads By Appfire


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Store, Manage, Create and Track Task Collections

Gaia Activity allows you to group issues into Collections you may manage and instantiate at will into your projects. Great for recurring tasks, standardized activities, checklists, or just to be more efficient!

Consult the KPI panel for your Task Collections

Keep track of the progress of your Task Collections by consulting the KPI panel with dynamic columns. See how many tasks remain for each status category and check the accuracy of your original estimates.

Text Macro Variables Replacement

Add Text Macro Variables into your templates so that you personalize summaries, descriptions, versions at issue creation time. Activities are identified and meet your exact requirements.

More details

As a Jira user, you might need to create a set of multiple Jira issues, Confluence pages, or any other items that are recurrent. An activity could be of the following:

  • Software development recurrent tasks
  • Tests (regression SQA, delivery tests, quality control tests, report to complete)
  • Hardware and Production (recurrent task to deliver)
  • Project Gates
  • and so on.

Jira System Administrator is now able to provide the access to any user to create his/her own templates.

Activity allows to create an Activity Template, which itself is a scenario composed of one or several Component Templates. When a new activity is instantiated from an activity template, all the components will be instantiated.

The following Component Templates are supported :

  • Issue Templates
  • Page Templates
  • Filter Templates

A Project Activity can be created from the Jira Project pages by any Issue Creator.

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