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Last modified 2014-10-22 0 downloads By Sofico


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Enable access to the SameTime server

In the 'Bamboo administration' section you will find an entry 'SameTime' server where the central messaging server can be configured.

Enable notification trigger using SameTime

Direct the notifications to relevant users automatically or configure a list of fixed users to send a notification to.

Receive notifications in your SameTime chat

Configured users get instant notifications when the trigger is invoked by bamboo.

More details

This plug-in integrates SameTime with Bamboo which makes it possible to notify the participants of a build about build failures, comments...

This plug-in adds a new item to the Plugin section of the administrative page to configure the central SameTime Server.

The plug-in will direct the configured notifications to the relevant users for the particular event that generated the notification automatically (eg committers of a build). It is also possible to configure a list of fixed users to send a notification to per notification (which will overrule the automatic IM target resolving).

The IM user names are resolved based on the committer user name, no mapping functionality is built in for the moment.

The SameTime 8.5.2 Java API is used under the hood.

Version history