We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can stay connected by exploring the migration options to either the cloud or Data Center version of this app.
Key highlights of the appGlobally search and replace strings, macros and macro parameters via the admin page or the space admin interface
Globally Search and replace strings
Globally search and replace strings in your Confluence instance. You can use plain text search and replace or use regular expressions for mighty replace functionality including groups.
Search and replace macros and macro parameters
Search and replace macro parameters, not only for basic confluence macros but also your custom user macros!
Search and replace by scope
Search and replace is available for different scopes: Page, space or global. These options are only available for the global admin. If configured, a space admin can search and replace in his own space only.
Supporting media
More details
An easy way for admins (global and space) to globally search and replace strings, macros and macro parameters. Now also with regex and user macro support.
You can configure if/which search and replace options are available for space admins.
Get the .jar file downloaded to your system
App documentation
Comprehensive set of documentation from the partner on how this app works
Get the End User License Agreement for this app
Privacy and Security
Privacy policy
Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.
Partner privacy policySecurity program
This app is not part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.
Version information
We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can still explore the earlier versions but these may not offer the necessary support.