Jira workflow management apps

Jira workflows category

Improve process efficiencies, leverage templates, and automate workflows using workflow management software that integrates with Jira

Configure new workflows and customize existing ones by introducing conditions and validators in data entry forms in Jira. Get access to dashboards that provide workflow summaries.

Workflow management software simplifies complex project processes

By seamlessly integrating with Atlassian products, workflow tools enable better communication between different teams. Workflow management apps for Jira allow default and mandatory field setting to save you time and increase data quality. Building new workflows has never been easier—with or without code.

Workflows use cases

  • Build and configure workflows to support various line-of-business use cases easily and without scripts.
  • Customize fields and workflows by embedding logic specific to the project.
  • Insert dependencies on linked issues, subtasks, and JQL queries; and evaluate complex time, math formulas, and regular expressions.
  • Analyze workflows to get a comprehensive overview and identify broken functions.
  • Execute post functions depending on boolean values.

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