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Last modified 2014-08-28 0 downloads By Bob Carroll


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Fluent Transitions and Updates

Use method chaining to make your code more readable when creating issues, transitioning issues, or updating issue fields.

Intuitive Field Updates

Pick-list fields can be updated by value name or value ID. Use the double-brace initialiser with lists for readability. Field operations are also supported.

GreenHopper API

Retrieve GreenHopper sprint data.

More details

jira-client is a simple and lightweight Jira REST client library for Java. It provides simple and clean English idiomatic expressions for interacting with Jira.

jira-client lacks the usual verbose and cumbersome contortions often found in Java applications. And since the implementation isn't buried under 57 layers of complicated abstractions, jira-client is easy to extend and debug.

Version history