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Last modified 2014-01-02 6 downloads By Atlassian


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Cache git clone requests

The SCM Cache Plugin for Stash caches 'ref advertisements' and 'clone' requests over HTTP and SSH

Reduce the load on the system

Caching heavyweight operations reducing CPU and memory usage.

Scaling for Continuous Integration performance

CI results in highly repetitive calls to Stash: polling for changes typically results in the same response 90% of the time and builds trigger a number of similar clones. Both operations can benefit greatly from caching.

More details

This plugin is bundled with Stash 2.5.0 and above. Only users of earlier versions of Stash need to manually install the plugin.

If you've got CI or other tooling set up to poll Stash for changes, you can end up with high load on your Stash server. Consider for instance a CI server that has a number of builds set up for a given repository. Each of those builds polls Stash for changes and when it detects a change, it starts a build.

If your CI server supports chained or parallel builds, each of these builds typically results in multiple clone operations of the same repository. The result: lots of polling for changes, and burst of clones of a repository.

The SCM Cache Plugin for Stash caches 'ref advertisements' and 'clone' requests over HTTP and SSH, reducing CPU and memory usage.

Full documentation can be found here.

Version history