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Last modified 2011-10-26 239 downloads By Zendesk


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IMPORTANT: This plugin is deprecated.  Jira 4.3 and above users should use our new and improved integration.


Bug tracking is usually reserved for the engineers in the back room who hold all of the technology secrets. The customer service folks get to walk people through the solutions once the engineers figure them out. Until now, marrying the two was not a very harmonious proposition. Today, Zendesk is announcing integration with  Atlassian, which builds Web-based collaboration tools for developers and has more than 15,000 customers worldwide. Jira is one of their most popular tools, and it's one of our favorite applications for bug tracking.

Now Jira developers can integrate with Zendesk to offer a customer support interface that, as we like to say, is beautifully simple. Now any support organization can integrate their Zendesk with their engineering department's bug tracking application. This means that Zendesk tickets and Jira issues become part of the same system, enabling engineers to report back to the help desk on progress resolving product issues. In turn, help desk support people can keep customers abreast of progress. And informed customers mean happier customers!


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