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TechTime SpaceUnZip

TechTime SpaceUnZip


TechTime Initiative Group Limited

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App Description

Quickly create the Space you want

Once the plugin is installed you can easily create a space structure from a zip file. Simply upload the zip archive and press SpaceUnZip.

Creates a tree of pages to match folders in zip

Creates a tree of pages which matches the directory structure of the .zip archive. Attachments are added to the page which represents their folder.

Gracefully Handles Large Files

Support for large zip files, without slowing down Confluence.

More details

Zip your pre-exising folders hierarchy, upload to Confluence and bootstrap your space by using SpaceUnZip link, creating a hierarchy of pages and attached files.

If you want to create a space with many pages and attachments, then SpaceUnZip is the easiest option. SpaceUnZip keeps the structure of zip folders as pages in Confluence, and adds all files to their correct page.

SpaceUnZip makes it easy to quickly create a space with thousands of pages and attachments, or to copy an existing file structure.

SpaceUnZip also works well for situations where you are creating the same page structure in many spaces. Simply create a zip file which you unzip for every new space.

Version History

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