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Last modified 2023-10-24 2507 downloads By TechTime Initiative Group Limited


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Help your Confluence pages rank well

Help your Confluence pages rank well in organic search result.

Base your Meta tags on existing Space information

Automatically enhance your Confluence pages HTML source in consistent fashion with common SEO attributes

SEO Link macro

Render a link automatically enhanced with information recommended for SEO.

More details

What is EasySEO?

EasySEO is a plugin for public Confluence-based websites.

Based on the metadata, associated labels and the content of a page EasySEO Plugin can automatically enhance your Confluence pages HTML source in consistent fashion with common SEO attributes like meta tags for keywords, description, author and date created, as well as give you more control over the titles of your pages. Mileage may vary, but when used properly it will help your Confluence pages rank well in organic search results.

Version history