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Last modified 2021-01-22 120 downloads By EEA, part of BiQ Group


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Easy process modeling

Model your processes fast, explicitly and without special skills. Model with simple text and let all readers understand your processes.

Create and highlight process alternatives

Create process alternatives with just 2 clicks. Easily define where alternative scenario starts and ends. Highlight alternative by hovering over the process step.

Focus on process overview or its details

With automatic expand/collapse functionality you can hide or show details wit a one click. Focus on what is important and hide/show details for 2nd level steps, alternate scenarios or both at once.

More details

Process Dog app is created to help teams to model processes with simple text. Its basic features are:

  • unique process steps (lines) numbering
  • unique alternatives numbering (with exact referencing to main process step)
  • easy creation of process alternatives
  • highlighting of process alternatives
  • highlighting steps where alternative starts and ends
  • collapse/expand feature to hide/show:
    • 2nd level process steps
    • process alternative details

Process Dog benefits:

  • increase process understanding among all stakeholders (as process is modeled with simple words)
  • no special (technical) skills required to model or understand the process
  • focus on process content instead of its form
  • full compatibility with standard Confluence links and searching

Check the video to see – how to model a process in easy way.

Version history