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Last modified 2021-04-09 697 downloads By ALPEIN Software SWISS AG


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    Create With Only One Click

    Create an SAP CATS template easily and explore the possibilities of the different fields.

    Specific SAP Related Fields

    Custom fields with the same names as in SAP CATS as well as for SAP CO (Cost Objects) are created, making the mapping easy and understandable.

    SAP Controlling Example

    The plugin includes an example of SAP Controlling and how it interacts with the CATS project.

    More details

    SAP2Jira CATS Template is a demo for the creation of a CATS project by pressing only a button.

    It shows one of many possibilities of how to use our product SAP2Jira, including specific SAP CATS related fields, as well as a Controlling example. As soon as an issue is created, the issue gets transferred to your SAP system through our JIRA2SAP connector. You still can edit and log work on the issue between Jira and SAP PS/PPM (WBS element) since the connection updates bidirectional on every change. This is just one possible use case, various options as e.g. using the Jira built-in time logging options or the integration with other plugins are possible.

    Connect these two worlds, delivering greater results!

    Version history