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SXC Cloud - Basic Edition

SXC Cloud - Basic Edition



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App Description

Integrated XML authoring environment to Confluence

You can easily create an XML document in the same way as a Confluence page.

Selected XML editing feature and input protection

It is easy to learn because only carefully selected XML editing functions are implemented. Strict input protection is suitable for the technical writers who are not familiar with editing XML documents.

Editing and output support for DITA documents

You can easily import DITA documents and start editing right away. DITA-specific features help you make content production more efficient. Also, you can add output function by DITA Open Tool Kit integration function.

More details

CMC Corporation SXC CLOUD (Smart XML Creator Cloud) is an XML document editing application that supports DITA Darwin Information Typing Architecture.

"Basic Edition" is a limited functionality version of SXC CLOUD.

SXC CLOUD provides:

  • Visual Editor has an input protection function that is based on the document type definitions and prevents the incorrect structure input.
  • Text Editor has flexible editing capabilities that are like common text editor software, such as Find and Replace including XML element names.
  • Diff function compares past versions of an XML document and displays the differences.
  • Import/Export function enables you to exchange XML documents between SXC CLOUD and the other systems. (Export is not available in Basic Edition)
  • Built-in templates allow you to quickly start creating a new XML document. SXC CLOUD supports DITA1.3 except the learning and training.
  • Localization: Japanese, English

Version History

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