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Last modified 2020-09-05 424 downloads By MKTiers


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Create issue from a selected column / swimlane

Hover and click on the + button from the column / swimlane you want to initialize the inline create issue textarea.

Choose issue type or sprint of the issue to create

Provide the issue's summary, issue type and sprint. Click create, it'll create the issue for you with extra information in the context of the selected swimlane, for example, the assignee configured in the swimlane

Create multiple issues at one go

Copy and paste the text with multiple lines, the plugin will create multiple issues for you at one go.

More details

MKTiers Software is proud to bring you the inline create issue for Agile board plugin. Inspired by finding it real hard to create an issue in board, we come up with an solution to make it much simpler.

Now if you want to create an issue in a column / swimlane, these are the steps:

  • Click plus button in the column, the text area will appear
  • Provide the issue's summary
  • Choose the desired issue type
  • Choose sprint if you're using parallel sprint.
  • Moreover, to create more than 1 issue at a time, you can simply copy and paste a text with multiple lines, press enter and the plugin will handle the job for you

The plugin is totally Free. If you want to try out our other solutions for Agile board, check out the Power Boards for Jira app, a paid version which has a lot of useful features you will love to have for your board.

Version history