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Last modified 2023-10-05 1582 downloads By Alpha Serve (a Tempo Software company)


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Keep the related issues in sight

You can link the related issues by adding custom fields with our application. You can have all relevant information about the issue on a View Issue Page.

Link issues and have a big picture view

Linking issues is so easy! Do this while creating or editing issue, or on the View Issue page. Keep all related issues together to not miss details or to track shift from one issue to another.

Navigate easily

Link the connected issues and switch easily from one to another. Keep all necessary issues together.

More details

Custom Fields: Issue Picker app enables quick access to selected issues from another issue by creating a specific Jira custom field. With this application, users can link different issues together and find relevant information quickly and directly from the Jira issue.

Add-on allows for the creation of two custom field types:

1) Issue Picker (multiple issues) where user can bind multiple issues based on user access rights;

2) Issue Picker (single issue) where the user can bind only one issue.

Use cases

1) Jira Service Desk teams:

  • the same user has created several support requests => they need to be linked to a single ticket, thus the assignee sees all requests;
  • several users reported the same problem;
  • several team members are solving different issues that depend on each other or relate to the same problem.

2) Jira Software teams:

  • few bugs correlate with the same story;
  • same issues created twice;
  • one task runs out of another task, etc.

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