This app has been archived

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Last modified 2023-08-28 280 downloads By Transition Technologies PSC


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To learn more about the app, you should:

This is a supported app, so you may contact the vendor (or support contact) for help:


More details

If You would like to become GDPR or ITIL compliant within seconds You can leverage capabilities of GDPR Compliance for Jira application! It allows You to hide sensitive data, protecting it from leaking or being accidentally published to inappropriate person. Main goal is to make this process happening seamlessly to You and Your users.


Important Notice: Archiving of this App

We want to inform you that this app is no longer in active development. We will not be providing updates for compatibility, and there are no plans for a DC (Data Center) or Cloud version.

For any inquiries or assistance, please use our general support portal.

Version history