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Last modified 2018-07-21 9 downloads By (汇科天下)


To check known issues (or if you want to file one), view this app's issue tracker.

To learn more about the app, you should:

This is a supported app, so you may contact the vendor (or support contact) for help:


Maintain the information in user profile page

User can maintain the information in profile can add,edit or remove one item;

see the extra info in issueNav page

you can see the extra info in issueNav page, Not only basic information, but also additional extensions

see the extra info in issue page

you can see the extra info in issue,only need you move your mouse on the username in issue page;

More details

We hope that in view, search issue, can see some additional information contained in these issue users, such as position, role, phone or QQ, WeChat, so we can better understand it , and he quickly contact;

this demand is especially suitable for remote office users, or the network coordination office of the scene.

so i want to offer the adds-on to help them.

Version history