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Release notes generator

Release notes generator


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App Description

Add a deployment task to generate a release note.

In your Bamboo deployment project, add a task to automatically generate a release note file in HTML containing all the commits between the current release and the last one.

Use the variable ${bamboo.ugubi.releasenotefile}

After the task is finished, the bamboo variable ${bamboo.ugubi.releasenotefile} is automatically injected. It can then be used in next tasks. Variable's value is the full path to the HTML generated release note file.

Use the generated release note.

After generating the release note, use it!

More details

This bamboo plugin is a deployment task that can be added to all your deployment projects in Bamboo. It automatically creates an HTML file containing the list of the commit-differences between 2 releases. You can then use this generated HTML file to communicate about your release for example, or simply by adding it to a deployment artifact.

Please note that the plugin is compatible with Java starting from version 8 only (server-side). If you use Java version below 8 on your Bamboo server, the plugin will not work properly.

Version History

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