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Last modified 2023-01-25 1627 downloads By TechTime Initiative Group Limited


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The same basic information requested up-front

Users specify page title, summary and labels.

The summary is converted into an excerpt which can be used to create lists of content using the content-by-label macro.

Specifying labels allows linking of pages by keywords.

Category drop-down

A list of categories per space can be presented.

The category selected from this list is converted into a label using per-space mapping. This can drive integration with other add-ons like SpaceHierarchy or GroupShare.

Integration with PageScore and PageStats

If installed, PageScore and PageStats macros can be included in the excerpt automatically. This helps enhance list views generated elsewhere using excerpts and provides means to depict and drive user engagement.

More details

With Easy Page Blueprint you can be certain that there is a level of consistency of the information that users enter when they create a new page within a space.

Easy Page Blueprint ensures that users always provide information for the page title and the page summary (excerpt). Users are also asked to state any keywords relating to their page content which are automatically converted into labels for the page. Further, if configured a per-space drop-down list of categories can be presented to choose from to be converted into a label on create.

These features of the Easy Page Blueprint ensure that all new pages contain the same basic level of information. This consistency of information and label insertion assists with the grouping of pages with similar content, may drive integration with other plugins or allow searches per category.

Version history