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Last modified 2015-02-17 1 download By Micha Kops (


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Manage multiple XSLT Templates

Create, update, delete named XSLT templates in the Confluence administration area.

There you can also find the link to perform transformations with the given template.

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Transform on a Confluence Page by URL call

Perform XSL transformations on the storage format of a specific Confluence page calling a designated URL.

The template is used to transform the page's storage format to a target format of your choice.

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Secured actions, permission checks are applied to the actions.

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More details

XSLT Processor Plugin for Confluence

The XSLT Processor Plugin for Confluence allows to transform the storage format of a Confluence page using XSLT templates.


  • Create, update, delete named XSLT templates in the administration area
  • Perform an XSL transformation on the storage format of a specific Confluence page calling a designated URL
  • Secured actions, permission checks are applied to the actions


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