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Last modified 2013-05-22 1 download By Crittercism


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Send crashes and exceptions from Crittercism to Jira. 

Log into your Crittercism account and add your Jira Credentials to enable sending Crittercism data to Jira. You can now send stacktrace and status information from Crittercism and create a new issue in Jira when desired. 

About Crittercism:

Keeping your mobile app crash and bug free takes time and energy. It's time for a new way to monitor and manage your apps.

This should be stupid simple. You should be able to look at the performance of your app in real-time, see what consumers are doing in your app, analyze what they're playing and buying and optimize the app so that they have a great experience. You should be able to keep your app bug-free and optimized at all times.

This new approach should make everyday things easy, even when those everyday things involve hundreds of servers, terabytes of data, billions of app loads, hundreds of millions of devices and integration with dozens of systems. This approach should be built on collaboration, best practices, knowledge sharing and be made accessible to every developer, experienced or a newbie.

At Crittercism, we have tackled this problem with you in mind. We want to help you make better apps, improve retention, conversion and monetization. We want you to have powerful insight into how consumers interact with your mobile applications in real-time. It shouldn't matter which OS you develop your apps for, we want to make the integration easy and we want you to save time and energy in monitoring and managing your apps so you can focus on what you do best, making amazing apps and making consumers happy.

Version history