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Last modified 2019-02-04 1556 downloads By Smadoa GmbH


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Multiple CSS styles by type, status & priority

Define (one or more) CSS styles for cells or rows in the Jira Issue Navigator, based on type, status or priority of an issue.

Style issues that are undue, due today or overdue

Define (one or more) CSS styles for issues that are undue, due today or overdue. Depending on today's date, cells or rows will display these styles.

Improved overview in the Jira Issue Navigator

Depending on your individual styles, issues that are overdue might get red, issues closed or resolved get striked-through etc. It gets easier to get things sorted out ...

More details

The Jira Issue Navigator does not support the following typical requirements for project management tools:

  • Getting issues in a certain state (like "resolved"), of a certain type (like "bug") or of a certain priority (like "high") visualized in a very obvious way.
  • Visualize if a due date for an issue is in the future, today or if the issue is overdue.

icnavigator is a simple plugin that solves these requirements. You can apply multiple styles to a row or single fields/columns in the Jira Issue navigator, depending on status, priority and issue type of the issue displayed in this row. For the due date, you can define your own styles for undue, today and overdue.

Version history