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Last modified 2023-04-03 1618 downloads By TNG Technology Consulting GmbH


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Included Page

Shows the page that will be included. Also uses a placeholder.

Including Page

Shows the page that is including another page with a defined placeholder.


Show the catalog listing all pages that are intended to be included somewhere.

More details

📢 Important: This app is no longer actively supported. We plan to retire this app from the Atlassian Marketplace within the next couple of months. Compatibility information will not be maintained anymore.

Include content with parameters:

Includes the content of a page dynamically within another page. Pages can contain parameter place holders. When the page is included, the place holders are replaced with given parameters.

Include within include:

Include Macro can be nested. If a parameter is missing in an inner macro, its value can be inherited from the surrounding Param Include parameter declaration. Recursion detection is provided to avoid infinite loops.

Describe your includes:

Let other users know how your include page is intended to be used with the Description Macro. Give hints about the purpose of your include page or how place holders are supposed to be filled with values.


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