Clone Plus for Jira

for Jira Cloud, Jira Server 8.0.3 - 9.16.1, Jira Data Center 8.0.3 - 9.16.1 and more
1,967 installs
  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira


Jira Cloud

Released: Jun 6th 2024


Minor version update


  • June 2024: Bug fixes - The Comments and Watchers are cloned only when the respective clone options are selected to clone. When you clone an item, the current user will now be the reporter of the cloned item.
  • May 2024: Added new clone options Versions and Components. A new Keep original comment author and date check box for the Comments clone option to retain the name of the original comment author and the date in the cloned issue. Updates on the Properties page and in the Clone Plus Web Panel.
  • April 2024: Support for Team field and User Picker (multiple users) advanced field type.
  • Feb 2024: Support for Parent field, introduced by Atlassian instead of Epic link and Parent link fields.
  • Sep 2023: Updated app with the new branding logos.
  • Aug 2023: Bug fix - The child issues are cloned only to the target epic when you clone an epic with the child issues using the Subtasks clone option.

For more details, check our Release Notes.

Payment model

Paid via Atlassian

License type



  • There are no additional resources.