Cenote Lockpoint - Attachment Checkout

by Cenote
for Confluence Cloud, Confluence Server 7.10.0 - 9.0.3, Confluence Data Center 7.10.0 - 9.0.3 and more
1,002 installs

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Check-out (lock and unlock) Confluence attachments for exclusive editing and controlled change management

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Effortless Edit Workflow

Clicking "Edit" automatically locks and opens all document types with Confluence 6.11+. Earlier versions of Confluence also support one-click editing (for Office documents only).

Exclusive Document Access

Lockpoint can also lock all file types for exclusive editing from anywhere you use attachments.

Gliffy Integrated

Lock diagrams from the Gliffy macro toolbar without leaving the Confluence editor.

More details

Cenote® Lockpoint™ adds check-in and check-out capabilities so you can lock Confluence attachments for exclusive changes and prevent accidental overwrites.


Lockpoint supports:

  • Seamless locking for Confluence 6.11+. One click locks for exclusive edits, launches the app, and unlocks when saved. For 6.10 and below, seamless locking is provided for Office documents only.
  • Complete overwrite protection for attachments updated via drag-and-drop, the Attachments page, WebDAV, Edit in Office, the Confluence editor, manual uploads, and everywhere else attachments can be edited.
  • Gliffy diagrams with inline controls.

Cenote Lockpoint is also a crucial Confluence app for teams migrating from SharePoint who still need exclusive document editing.

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