JQL Tricks Plugin

for Jira Cloud, Jira Server 9.15.0 - 9.16.1, Jira Data Center 9.15.0 - 9.16.1 and more
1,296 installs
  • Jira

We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can stay connected by exploring the migration options to either the cloud or Data Center version of this app.

Extend Jira's search capabilities to a whole new level

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A load of new JQL Functions

JQLT offers more than 50 useful JQL functions to make searching in Jira easier than ever. Can't find one that suits you? We can help!

Enable for projects, restrict by groups and more

JQLT provides a list of global configuration options where you can restrict the functions to selected projects and for selected groups. You can also show optional warnings, configure caching etc.

Function specific configurations

To top the global configurations, you can restrict selected functions - either by project or by groups. And you can have function specific cache delay.

More details

JQL Tricks plugin is a plugin which has a set of useful JQL Functions for Jira. Those include simple JQL functions to complex ones. For the exact number of functions available on each version, please see the function details in our website.

JQLT has the option to limit the plugin functionality to selected groups and/or limit the individual functions to selected projects.

The plugin also introduces a JQL cache of configurable delay for better performance. The default delay is 120 seconds.

Please see the documentation for details.

For versions prior to 6.0, see our website for purchase options.



This app offers additional security, reliability, and support through:

  • Cloud security participation
  • Reliability checks
  • 24hr support response time
  • and more.

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Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

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