Viewtracker - Analytics for Confluence

for Confluence Cloud, Confluence Server 7.5.0 - 8.9.6, Confluence Data Center 7.5.0 - 8.9.6 and more
2,763 installs

We no longer offer sales and support for server apps. You can stay connected by exploring the migration options to either the cloud or Data Center version of this app.

Get Confluence page view insights, track user activity & generate user engagement analytics reports with strong data privacy focus

YouTube's thumbnail image for the video.

Track content, searches, and 3rd party apps

Measure views and interactions on pages, blog posts, searches, and attachments. Track views from the JSM knowledge base, Scroll Viewport, Linchpin, or Refined. Monitor views of team pages, profiles, dashboards, and more.

In-depth audience and user behavior analytics

Viewtracker comes with many powerful reports that allow you to analyze the usage of your Confluence documentation, knowledge base, intranet, extranet, and 3rd party app content. Download statistics as CSV or via API.

Strong focus on data privacy

Use the various data privacy modes to comply with legal requirements like GDPR/DSGVO, nFADP, CCPA, and other data protection regulations. Better safe and compliant than sorry!

More details



This app offers additional security, reliability, and support through:

  • Cloud security participation
  • Reliability checks
  • 24hr support response time
  • and more.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy



Monitor usage with various built-in reports for individual pages, spaces or on a global level. Show KPIs, filter by source and content type, or use CQL. Track user activity over different time ranges.