Issue History Tracker for Jira

for Jira Data Center 9.4.0 - 9.17.2 and more
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  • Jira
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Issue history tracker to search what updates in an issue

Issue History Tracker at Activities

Issue history tracker in Activity of an issue

Issue history tracker can be seen in all issues

Search Issue History

Search Options to find who or what changed in an issue

Search Users : Filtering who changed in an issue

Search Fields : what fields were changed by when or whom

Ordering the list

Issue history list can be ordered by ASC or DESC with “Updated Time” and “User”

More details

"Issue history tracker" make you comfortable to find who and what fields are updated.

- Providing User and Field based Search Option, and quick finding the updates.

- Within an issue, in case that there are lots of updates, this plugin support to search all updates in an issue.

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This plugin enables "issue history tracking" tab to search what updated