Simple Throughput Charts for Jira

for Jira Cloud
3 installs
  • Supported
  • Jira Service Management
  • Jira

Do you have enough resources for your work? Or enough work for your team? This app is made to help you keep your projects on track

Track Work Progress and Team Performance Trends

Monitor unresolved issues, completion rates, status distribution, and average time spent in each status with visual insights that help identify bottlenecks, improve workflow, and optimize team performance over time.

Check Issue Activity Levels and Status Durations

Gain insights into issue activity levels and time spent in each status. Compare individual issue stats with project averages for the same issue type to identify patterns and improve decision-making.

Track Key Metrics with Detailed Project Tables

View comprehensive tables highlighting issue activity, days in status, and time since the last update. Easily compare key metrics across multiple issues to identify trends and optimize project performance.

More details

Simple Throughput Charts for Jira is a helpful tool for agile teams to visualize and track their work progress. The app provides the following intuitive charts:

  • Throughput Residue Chart: Visualizes total unresolved issue counts and moving averages for historical pattern analysis.
  • Throughput Rate Chart: Highlights issue completion rates to monitor team performance over time.
  • Issues by Status Over Time Chart: Illustrates historical distribution of issues across different statuses.
  • Average Days in Status Chart: Tracks the average time issues spend in each status.
  • Activity Counters Chart: Provides a detailed breakdown of key issue stats to help monitor the overall activity levels within the project.
  • Project Stats page: presents a series of issues tables, offering a quick overview of key metrics.

Simple Throughput Charts for Jira is user-friendly, offering customizable views and interactive elements like tooltips and legends to enhance the user experience.

Privacy and security

Privacy policy

Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy


Integration Details

Simple Throughput Charts for Jira integrates with your Atlassian product. This remote service can:

  • Read Jira project and issue data, search for issues, and objects associated with issues like attachments and worklogs.
